sPOD App - 4x4 sPod

sPOD App

Control from any wireless device

Have complete control over your accessories from your wireless device with the sPOD™ app. Designed to give you complete control over your accessories. Just download the app to your phone or tablet and you have a safe and simple way to control all your accessories from the palm of your hand. Purpose built for iOS or Android systems, this is the ultimate in personal control.

Download the sPOD Bantam app from Apple App Store or Google Play

sPOD Firmware Update (3/27/24)

sPOD is proud to announce a firmware update to the sPOD Bluetooth app on both iOS and Android devices. This latest firmware update makes it easier to control your sPOD systems including features from our Pro App, giving you power to control your accessories, and a factory reset button for when you need to reset the system.


Updating to the latest firmware MUST be performed by all users as soon as the device is paired for the first time. This will ensure connectivity issues are a thing of the past. If you don’t update, you may experience issues controlling your sPOD systems. Download our Over-the-Air Bluetooth pairing guide to update
your system now.

Wireless Switch Controllers